Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh My Soul!

Have you ever wondered just what it means to be a stranger in a familiar land? Psalm 119:19 - I remember reading that early in my Christian walk and having no idea what it meant. I loved my earthly life! But, now, the more I die to myself and commit to the Lord's ways, I am truly feeling like a much so that my stomach hurts some particularly.

I am doing a Bible study on the conversations we should have with our daughters. Ours is too young for many of these conversations, but I am so thankful to be in this study because it has opened my eyes greatly to just what this world is telling our daughters. It is telling them to have sex, forget marriage, and by no means do you really want to be a mom. And, if you do want to be a mom, do it alone because you have no need for a man to care for you.

This makes me weep!

I LOVE being a wife and mom! If I could turn back time I would not have had sex before marrying. In fact, looking back, nothing, absolutely nothing, good came from those experiences. I am thankful that the Lord did convict us to wait until least there was some purity for us.

Right now, our young girls are being assaulted with messages encouraging them to be sexy and sexual. When did we decide we wanted our daughters to be such sexual creatures? When did we decide it was better for them to have sex at a young age than to wait until they are mature enough to understand it all? And, why? Why do we want to even put them in such a position and have that innocence taken?

Marriage is a joke for so many. I can certainly see why, forget about the prospect of "gay marriage", we straight folks are making a mockery of it everyday with a 50% divorce rate.

Being a mom is respected by some, but being a stay-at-home mom is not very well respected. This is not an attack on those who choose to work outside of the home - we all have to make decisions based on what is best for our family unit. But, when did putting our kids as a priority and deciding to stay home to invest in them become so disrespected? When did earning money become more important than them? When did taking care of our own needs become top priority? Why is it so bad to allow a husband to care for you, to love you, to support you?

When did we decide we wanted it all? We cannot have it all, ladies! We may get to experience it as we go along the way,  but we cannot have it all at once. It is not what God intended for us. And, you know what, it is okay to depend upon someone else. Depend upon God first; and then your's okay. You are not weak because of that. In fact, you are stronger for it!

The best I can figure, as women, we have started to look at ourselves as our number one priority. It's all about us! We do not want a man to limit us...or heaven forbid a child to keep us from doing just what we want. Our culture has become so obsessed with pleasing ourselves. It's okay to do whatever you want as long as it's what you want.

Oh how this must grieve the Lord! Jesus came to serve and yet we still think we come first.

God created woman so that Adam would not be lonely. He created marriage so we could become one together. He created sex for our pleasure and procreation. So...why in today's world is God no longer part of these conversations? Why is He removed from the talk about sex and marriage? Why are we not putting Him first and us second? Why are we allowing our daughters to fall into the hands of a fallen world instead of ushering them towards what the Lord has intended for them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Chris! We live in a broken world where it is easy to be selfish and put "me" first. It makes me realize what a selfish person I am but so extremely grateful that the Lord forgives me when I fail. Looking around also makes it so clear how many unsaved people there are and convicts me to start sharing Jesus' love and forgiveness to all!!!